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You may also need a little help onboarding staff. But the interest in design and overall performance means you can learn the ropes quickly. Custom dashboards let you reduce through the noise and put…


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XSN Dev Update Oct 03 2019

Today we are launching our second round of community demos on V 0.0.58-Lightning Network of our lightning wallet. Along with various bug fixes and enhancements V 58 will have Lightning Network send and receive capabilities active in addition to our autopilot feature. Both these features are critical to the foundation of our DEX and SWAPS, community testing on these will ensure stability and hardening to our wallets core as our developers prepare higher level features to be released throughout the month.

For those with MN’s when you have a chance please input the following two commands into your controller wallet CLI to pass the Oct team budget:

gobject vote-many 5a75701aa85eb75247d46d3bd27f8d58845ba8ee9c7fb4838dd10dd5961008ee funding yes gobject vote-many c41b154749081696a8aba3b8d7cc87e2e9fdee14dfcd623849ae63b58eaee136 funding yes

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